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Yaupon Holly

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Yaupon Holly
Product Details

Ilex vomitoria is a small tree or large bush up to 20 feet high. Female plants produce prodigious amounts of bright red berries that are a great source of food for songbirds in the winter. The small white blooms on both male and female are not showy but attract incredible numbers of pollinators. Use this small tree or large shrub in partial sun to full sun and in moist to dry, drained soil. Water generously during the establishment period.

Upright Yaupon Holly is a full-sized shrub that grows 15-20 ft high and wide.

Weeping Yaupon Holly is readily pruned into a small tree. It makes an excellent evergreen alternative to Crape Myrtles as an accent or specimen tree.

Schilling's Yaupon Holly is a, all male, dwarf cultivar that slowly reaches 3-4 feet high and wide. It can easily be kept at 2.5 feet high as a low border shrub.

Will Flemming Yaupon Holly is an all male, columnar variety that works well in narrow spaces. It grows 10-15 ft high and 3-5 ft wide.

Scarlet's Peak Yaupon Holly is an all female, columnar variety that works well in narrow spaces. It grows 10-15 ft high and 3-5 ft wide.

Shadow's Yaupon Holly is an all-female cultivar that reaches 10-12 feet high and wide.

Pride of Houston Yaupon Holly is a full-sized shrub reaching up to 20 feet high and wide. It has denser branching that give it a very full look.