Shop Plants & Supplies Drought-Tolerant PlantsStore/Native Plants/Drought-Tolerant PlantsThese plants are tough as can be; once established, they can survive periods of drought and do not need supplemental irrigation.Refine by Sort byWe recommendNewest arrivalsPrice: Low to HighPrice: High to LowName: A to ZName: Z to AFiltersClear allFiltersClear allAvailability Clear AvailabilityClearIn stock56ApplyApplyPrice Clear PriceClearfrom –to$0$680ApplyApplySearch by phrase Clear Search by phraseClearKeyword or phraseApplyApplyColor Clear ColorClearPink1Red1White1ApplyApplySort by Sort byWe recommendNewest arrivalsPrice: Low to HighPrice: High to LowName: A to ZName: Z to AApplyApplyShow itemsShow itemsHost PlantAdam's NeedleAdam's NeedleSold outApalachicola False RosemaryApalachicola False RosemaryBay CedarBay CedarSalt Inundation TolerantBeach BeanBeach BeanSalt Inundation TolerantBeach CreeperBeach CreeperSalt Inundation TolerantBeach ElderBeach ElderSalt Inundation TolerantBeach MistflowerBeach MistflowerSalt Spray TolerantBeach Morning GloryBeach Morning GloryPollinators love me!Beach TeaBeach TeaSalt Wind TolerantBeach VerbenaBeach VerbenaFor the BirdsBeautyberryBeautyberrySold outBig BluestemBig BluestemBlack IronwoodBlack IronwoodSold outButton Rattlesnake MasterButton Rattlesnake MasterCalaminthaCalaminthaCarolina JessamineCarolina JessamineSalt Inundation TolerantChristmasberryChristmasberrySalt Wind TolerantCinnamon BarkCinnamon BarkSalt Wind TolerantCinnecordCinnecordCoontieCoontieDune SunflowerDune SunflowerSalt Spray TolerantDwarf SaltbushDwarf SaltbushSold outEverglades Squarestem (Dwarf Salt & Pepper)Everglades Squarestem (Dwarf Salt & Pepper)FiddlewoodFiddlewoodFirebushFirebushFlorida PennyroyalFlorida PennyroyalSalt Inundation TolerantFlorida PrivetFlorida PrivetFlorida Thatch PalmFlorida Thatch PalmSalt Inundation TolerantGreen Saw PalmettoGreen Saw PalmettoSalt Inundation TolerantGumbo LimboGumbo LimboHost PlantHairypod CowpeaHairypod CowpeaBrackish Water TolerantHorizontal CocoplumHorizontal CocoplumSalt TolerantInkberry Scaevola plumieriInkberry Scaevola plumieriSalt Inundation TolerantJamaican CaperJamaican CaperSold outKey Thatch PalmKey Thatch PalmLarge-Flowered False RosemaryLarge-Flowered False RosemarySold outLittle Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)Lopsided Sorghastrum (Lopsided Indian Grass)Lopsided Sorghastrum (Lopsided Indian Grass)Necklace Pod (S. tomentosa tuncata)Necklace Pod (S. tomentosa tuncata)Sold outPineland AcaciaPineland AcaciaPineland Lantana Var. depressaPineland Lantana Var. depressaPineland Lantana Var. floridanaPineland Lantana Var. floridanaPineland SnowberryPineland SnowberryPineywoods DropseedPineywoods DropseedSalt Inundation TolerantPink Muhly GrassPink Muhly GrassSalt Inundation TolerantPrickly Pear CactusPrickly Pear CactusPurple LovegrassPurple LovegrassPurple Top TridensPurple Top TridensBrackish Water TolerantRailroad VineRailroad VineRed-Tipped Cocoplum (Red-tip Redtipped)Red-Tipped Cocoplum (Red-tip Redtipped)Salt Inundation TolerantRegenerated Cabbage Palm (Sabal Palm)Regenerated Cabbage Palm (Sabal Palm)Sold outRusty LyoniaRusty LyoniaSand Live OakSand Live OakSold outSand PineSand PineSold outScrub Hickory (Carya floridana)Scrub Hickory (Carya floridana)Sold outScrub MintScrub MintSold outScrub Palmetto (Sabal etonia)Scrub Palmetto (Sabal etonia)Scrub St. John's Wort (Saint John's)Scrub St. John's Wort (Saint John's)Salt Inundation TolerantSea GrapeSea GrapeSalt Wind TolerantSea LavenderSea Lavender1 - 60 of 80 itemsPrev12Next