Shop Plants & Supplies Native TreesStore/Native Plants/Native TreesView our large variety of Florida Native and non-native trees, the selection of which is integral to the beauty and ecological value of your landscape.Refine by Sort byWe recommendNewest arrivalsPrice: Low to HighPrice: High to LowName: A to ZName: Z to AFiltersClear allFiltersClear allAvailability Clear AvailabilityClearIn stock51ApplyApplyOffers Clear OffersClearOn sale2ApplyApplyPrice Clear PriceClearfrom –to$0$680ApplyApplySearch by phrase Clear Search by phraseClearKeyword or phraseApplyApplySort by Sort byWe recommendNewest arrivalsPrice: Low to HighPrice: High to LowName: A to ZName: Z to AApplyApplyShow itemsShow items'DD Blanchard' Southern Magnolia'DD Blanchard' Southern Magnolia'Little Gem' Southern Magnolia'Little Gem' Southern MagnoliaHost PlantAmerican Elm / Florida ElmAmerican Elm / Florida ElmAmerican HollyAmerican HollyBald CypressBald CypressBay CedarBay CedarSold outBlack Cherry (serotina)Black Cherry (serotina)Black IronwoodBlack IronwoodSold outBlack Tupelo (Black Gum Blackgum)Black Tupelo (Black Gum Blackgum)Sold outBluejack OakBluejack OakBracken's Brown Beauty' Southern MagnoliaBracken's Brown Beauty' Southern MagnoliaHalf Off! Was $225Brodie Juniper Eastern Red CedarBrodie Juniper Eastern Red CedarButtonbushButtonbushSold outCarolina WillowCarolina WillowChickasaw PlumChickasaw PlumSalt Wind TolerantCinnamon BarkCinnamon BarkSalt Wind TolerantCinnecordCinnecordCoral BeanCoral BeanDahoon HollyDahoon HollySold outDahoon Holly 'Tensaw'Dahoon Holly 'Tensaw'Densa South Florida Slash PineDensa South Florida Slash PineSold outEagleston HollyEagleston HollyElderberryElderberryHalf Off! Was $225False MasticFalse MasticFiddlewoodFiddlewoodFlatwoods PlumFlatwoods PlumSold outFlorida Flame Red MapleFlorida Flame Red MapleSalt Inundation TolerantFlorida PrivetFlorida PrivetSold outFringe TreeFringe TreeSold outGeiger TreeGeiger TreeSalt Inundation TolerantGreen ButtonwoodGreen ButtonwoodSalt Inundation TolerantGumbo LimboGumbo LimboSalt Inundation TolerantJamaican CaperJamaican CaperLignum VitaeLignum VitaeSold outLoblolly BayLoblolly BaySold outLoblolly PineLoblolly PineLongleaf PineLongleaf PineMahoganyMahoganyMarlberryMarlberryGreat for ShadeMyrsineMyrsineSold outMyrtle OakMyrtle OakSold outPersimmon (Native)Persimmon (Native)Pigeon PlumPigeon PlumSold outPignut HickoryPignut HickorySold outPineland AcaciaPineland AcaciaSold outPond ApplePond AppleSold outPond CypressPond CypressRed MapleRed MapleSold outRed MulberryRed MulberryRed-Tipped Cocoplum (Red-tip Redtipped)Red-Tipped Cocoplum (Red-tip Redtipped)Redberry StopperRedberry StopperSalt Inundation TolerantRegenerated Cabbage Palm (Sabal Palm)Regenerated Cabbage Palm (Sabal Palm)Sold outRusty LyoniaRusty LyoniaSalt Inundation TolerantSaltbushSaltbushSand Live OakSand Live OakSold outSand PineSand PineSold outScrub Hickory (Carya floridana)Scrub Hickory (Carya floridana)Salt Inundation TolerantSea GrapeSea GrapeSea PlumSea PlumSalt Inundation TolerantSilver ButtonwoodSilver Buttonwood1 - 60 of 80 itemsPrev12Next