Shop Plants & Supplies Store/Edible Gardening +2Herbs and Flowers Southern Exposure Seeds$3.50TypeBolloso Napoletano BasilFiesta NasturtiumItalian ParsleyThai Red RoselleSummer ThymeResinda CalenduaGerman Winter ThymeGarden SorrelSummer SavoryCommon SageRosemarySweet MarjoramFlorence FennelBronze FennelLong Island Mammoth DillBouquet DillCilantro (Coriander)Garlic ChivesChivesGerman ChamomileCatnipPacific Beauty CalendulaSweet Thai BasilSweet Genovese BasilLemon BasilKapoor/ Holy BasilDark Opal BasilCinnamon BasilFrance's Choice MarigoldJewel Mix NasturtiumHopi Dye SunflowerShort Stuff SunflowerEvening Sun SunflowerTeddy Bear SunflowerAutumn Beauty SunflowerMammoth SunflowerIn stock: 138 availableQuantity:1 Add More ADD TO CARTGo to CheckoutPlease select a size above to see available quantity. Favorite FavoritedView FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itHerbs and Flowers Southern Exposure Seeds