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Wilcox’s Big Yard Community Highlight

Wilcox’s Big Yard Community Highlight

Wilcox’s Big Yard Community Highlight “We live in a 55 plus HOA in central Florida.  I completely re-landscaped our yard with Florida native plants, and I also added a water feature.  All of the changes I made to our yard were to attract and support wildlife, giving...

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Improving Mental Health Through Gardening

Top Four Ways Gardening Improves Mental Health  Amongst many other treatments, activities, and connections, gardening has been shown (1) to have a number of mental health benefits. Anecdotally, I always find that working with my hands and caring for a living thing to...

Gardening For Birds

Gardening For Birds

Gardening for Birds using Florida Native Plants To attract birds to your yard, think about creating a habitat with food, shelter, and water to meet the needs of both nesting and migratory birds. Building an ecosystem rich with plant and animal life will attract a...

Wilcox Plant Toughness Scale

Wilcox Plant Toughness Scale Welcome to Wilcox Nursery and Landscape's plant toughness scale where we will grade retail plants on a scale of 1-10 on their establishment success in the landscape. A grade of 1 will be the toughest plants to establish and a grade of 10...

Spiny Black Olive, Terminalia molinettii

Spiny Black Olive, Terminalia molinettii

Spiny Black Olive Terminalia molinetii Spiny Black Olive The Spiny Black Olive is a lesser known native of South Florida documented in the wild of Lee and Miami-Dade Counties. Other than some historical documentation of wild specimens, there is very little information...